
We check your website for free and without obligation

How good is your website really?

Since ESKOR was founded in 2010, we have been able to support many customers, especially by creating their website. Our most important experience is that no building block system leads to the desired success.

Therefore, it is important that your website meets basic requirements. The following four points of your website should be checked regularly to improve its performance possibilities.

1. Security

The DSGVO reform in 2018 has significantly tightened the security requirements and standards for websites. Even a small data leak can have serious consequences for website owners.

And although anyone can now create their own website in just a few clicks, this does not mean that data security is automatically guaranteed. However, security gaps can be closed before they occur by having your website professionally created or checked. We check to what extent your website is relevant for search engines

2. Visibility

An appealing website with an interesting product will convince your visitors. But how do you make sure that exactly the right target group comes across your website in the first place? We help you with the right tools, such as search engine optimization, to make your website relevant for search engines and, thus, make your desired product or service visible to the relevant target group.

We check your website for the technical implementation of the presentation on different end device formats

UI / UX design

In addition to an attractive design, the presentation of your site should be adaptable and responsive. The design of your website must remain appealing and user-friendly for every visitor with every possible end device.

Among other things, screen sizes and interaction possibilities of the end devices must be considered. We check your website for a target-oriented UI / UX design

4. User guidance

A high number of visitors will only become valuable visitors for you if you have the possibility to track their behavior on the website. An analysis of user paths and the frequency of use of certain functions can help identify areas for improvement and implement valuable customizations

We check your website free of charge and without obligation Please contact us now to receive a free review from us. We will check for you the potential for improvement in terms of security, visibility, presentation and user guidance of your website.

We check your website for free and without obligation

Nehmen Sie jetzt Kontakt mit uns auf, um von uns kostenlos eine Überprüfung zu erhalten. Wir checken für Sie das Verbesserungspotential in Bezug auf Sicherheit, Sichtbarkeit, Darstellung und Nutzerführung Ihrer Webseite.

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