Foundation Herzensangelegenheit

Branding • Logodesign • Printdesign • Webdesign

Foundation Herzensangelegenheit

The Herzensangelegenheit Foundation was initiated with the aim of making everyday life more livable for people and animals. With the innovative fundraising concept, the Heart Affair Foundation wants to provide people in associations and honorary positions, meetings and cooperations with a stable financial basis and the necessary support to carry out their projects independently and freely.

ESKOR developed the image of the foundation including the sub-brands. Based on this branding, we also created the website and other means of communication such as various print products and social media graphics. The success of the Heart Affair Foundation depends largely on the trust of potential customers. It was essential to convince this target group with ecological and emotional arguments as well as a professional branding.

Brand workshop • Logodesign • Naming • Claiming


Our work began with a joint brand workshop. We identified the values ​​of the project, fathom the needs and concerns of the target groups, defined them and established role models. From this, we work out the respective positioning together with the aim of clearly differentiating the brand from the competition. This is how the umbrella brand of the heart was created with the target group-specific sub-brands "Miez & Bello" and "Fundraising through energy" From the collected attributes we initiated the design process. For us, brand design is not a question of taste or pure art, but rather as a result of strategic deductions. Logo and brand design must be targeted.

The color scheme and the formal language of the heart represent belonging and connection. The modern color gradient stands for strength, life and vitality. The heart was developed as an infinity loop and refers to recurring donations. A soft, round and therefore positive and friendly typography was chosen. The heart can be found in the sub-brands as a central element of the picture. The character in “Miez & Bello”, which is geared towards animal shelters and animal lovers, is concretized by the additional paw. The symbolism of the brand “Fundraising through energy” is underlined by a helping hand. In addition, the fingers represent community and solidarity.

Farbgebung und Typografie

Color scheme Affair of the Heart

No other color has a stronger effect on the human psyche: Red stabilizes positive feelings and releases physical energy. At the same time, it symbolizes creativity. Besides, you connect that red logo with love and warmth, matching the heart shape.

Color scheme Miez and Bello

Orange is the most sensual of all colors and is inviting to others. The color orange in the MIEZ & BELLO logo perfectly reflected.

Color scheme fundraising by energy

The color green is the calming pole between red and blue. In addition, green has a calming and safe effect.


A soft, round and therefore positive and friendly typography was chosen. The modern color gradient stands for strength, life and vitality.

Web design - features and requirements

Communication media - digital


The developed design concept could be flexibly and practically adapted to all applications: The website, advertising campaigns, print products right up to the trade fair stand result in a consistent brand image in the overall appearance - implemented in a uniform and recognizable design language.

The aim was to enable easy and effective navigation on the website and to guide interested parties to the registration process. We have developed this registration route precisely to the needs of the customer. The user first enters the number of supporters. There is a calculation of the possible total income per year for the respective club. Thus, the new website of a matter of the heart conveys the concentrated power of the company in a superior manner and confidently provides information about its foundraising concept.

Communication media - print

In accordance with the design guidelines developed for the umbrella brands and sub-brands, we have standardized the print products, such as the brochure, roll-ups, flyers and stationery are graphically prepared and clearly arranged.

The imagery of the print products is also chosen specifically for the target group. They reflect the values ​​of an affair of the heart and thus enable potential customers to easily identify with the company.







