Relaunch Website
Könnecke Begrünungen is an expert in professional gardening and landscaping, who specializes in complete solutions for greening corporations. Expertise and creative concepts create a pleasant ambience that is optically and qualitatively improved.
We have created a high-quality web business card for Könnecke Begrünungen, which the company can use as an active channel for initial customer contacts. The website has been restructured, graphically prepared and made clearer. The user can now get targeted information about all services.
Make it clear from complex
Through the innovative graphic company profile, which is based on the target groups, the company became more modern, innovative and more perceptible. The web design is of course responsive, so it adapts to mobile devices. The new Internet presence from Könnecke Greening now conveys the concentrated power of the company and provides confident information about its offer. The customer can now convince himself of the top quality of Könnecke step by step.
Targeted communication becomes a sure success factor, because the needs of the users are the focus and the added value of the current content is emphasized functionally. The aesthetics were also taken into account in a sector-specific manner. Könnecke now has a tool that makes it easier to acquire new customers, and the brand and brand message are now perceived more consistently.