Customer description

STORCH came to us when the company was still working on product development. They showed us the prototype of a small lamp with a big idea behind it: bring light into the stroller. The LED light is equipped with magnets that make it possible to attach the lamp to the fabric without screws. The principle made sense to us immediately. In close cooperation with the STORCH team, we developed the brand strategy based on a previous target group analysis. Our possibilities in 3D visualization helped the developers at STORCH to put the finishing touches on.

We took over the logo and packaging design as well as the naming. When LUNA saw the light of day, we made a brilliant first appearance of our baby during the photo shoot. With a clearly structured website structure and a strong visual language, we developed a high-quality brand presence for LUNA, which also contains social shopping elements. Brand strategy, website and the visual system support each other and put LUNA in the right light - an easy birth.




For the product launch, the product should first be sold through its own online shop. For this purpose, ESKOR implements the appropriate shop system in the website platform. Product pages were then designed and implemented.


For the product launch, ESKOR is developing an information brochure for dealers, international trading partners and investors.