TTC OE Bad Homburg 1987
The table tennis Bundesliga team stands for thrilling rallies, exciting duels, great table tennis. The TTC OE Bad Homburg 1987 is based in the Ober-Erlenbach district, which was once named after the association. Over the years, the club fought its way up from the lowlands of district sports to the elite.
With the goal of first class, it was also necessary to present a first-class cross-media presentation.
The new online presence of TTCOE
The TTCOE has been looked after by ESKOR since 2019. The first step was a complete relaunch. The main goals were to simplify the editorial processes, and to keep it up to date, i.e. Above all, responsive web design and a better tailoring to the different stakeholder groups.
In the design development, a lot of emphasis was placed on a spacious, contemporary design that works just as well on the go as on the desktop. Appropriate to the emotional topic, images are given a lot of space. Another prerequisite was the smooth functionality of the existing website content in its new look. Desktop and mobile versions were developed in parallel
We were allowed to completely redesign the new website for the likeable Bundesliga club. The main goals of the relaunch:
- Mobile availability of all content
- Modernization of the techn. Base
- Simplification of the daily editing processes
- Greater focus on the needs of the different target groups
The basis of the technical implementation continues to be the flexible content management system Wordpress.
In accordance with the new design guidelines, we have standardized the means of communication, such as designed the season booklet, match day advertisements and tickets.